Brantley::1 Years Old
12:19 PM
Mr. Brantley
came to see me a few weeks
ago for his 1 year pictures! This
sweet guy graced my blog a few months back
with his mom and dad.
Brantley was
such a smiley, happy
little guy. When we were preparing for his
cake-smash, he went bonkers and had to be restrained
by his dad as we set up! -lol Once he was placed
in front of his cake he instantly smashed his hands in
and then decided to paint his feet with the frosting.
After that, he didn't have much more interest in the cake
so his mom helped put some on his face...and well...
he didn't like that too much to say the least.
*Feel free to share this link, but please do not
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These photos are saved at a low resolution specifically for this blog, therefore
uploading anywhere else will not be of the high quality.
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